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A knocking at the Door


I was reading a story about a child that sees her relatives and that brought memories of my own experiences with family "encounters", some are my own personal experience and some are my children's.

When my father passed away, he wanted his ashes to be scattered in the Ocean. Well, we didn't live that close to the ocean so I planned it to be a family trip/vacation for me and my children (Cancun to be more specific). That meant keeping the ashes at home for 3-4 months. These were kept in a little "shrine/table" in my living room, the backyard faced the closest wall to the ashes. During those months my children had several experiences:

1- My son says he saw a shadow one night and that it "sit" on his bed which actually gave away - he was soo scared, he tried waking-up his sister (they slept in the same bedroom when little) but she didn't wake-up. Eventually he felt asleep under the covers.

2 - My daughter was in the backyard and she claims to have heard music (like 40's music) coming out of the house. Of course WE don't play that kind of music, but my father loved it and used to dance to its tunes:)

3 - We all experienced electronics turning on at random times, but they will not only turn on, they will turn on full blast.

4 - I had a dream I was looking from one of the second floor windows and there was a party with a bunch of relatives (this was a backyard party with chairs, food, music, everyone all merry and happy), and I was bit ticked off because I hadn't been invited. I remember thinking to myself, "Ok, I will show up and act like I am not hurt." So off I went and was greeting them all, my grandma, uncles, aunt, Dad... Then I realized... They all have one common denominator... They were all DEAD! I was so scared! I woke-up, phew...!

5 - Last thing before we granted my Dad's wishes was that a cousin of mine came knocking one day, saw a shadow (the main door is one of those that have ornamental glass on the main door, you can see someone is there but the glass is different colors, not transparent) so she saw someone coming, stand by the door and then retreat without opening the door.

My cousin had come because she was going to drop something. Since nobody opened, she left it by the window. My housekeeper (remember this is Mexico where many people has domestic help) she came back from doing groceries, found it and brought it in. Later when I arrived I told my housekeeper, so "E" was here, and she responded "I don't know, she most have come when I was doing groceries, I found the package under the window." So later that day I called my cousin to thank her for bringing it and she said "Well, your housekeeper was very rude, she left me standing outside so I had to leave the package by the window." Huh...? "What do you mean?" "I saw her (shadow) coming to the door, she stood there for a moment and then left without opening the door"...hhuuhhh!?..."Ok, sorry about that cous, I will talk to my housekeeper, thanks again for bringing the package"...uh? I didn't want to scare my cousin but I knew there was no one home from my conversation with the housekeeper earlier...

